10 Fantasy Book Series with Stunning Covers

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Fantasy Books Series with Stunning Covers

Never judge a book by its cover. But let’s be honest, some fantasy book series covers are just meant to be admired. 

I’ve read plenty of incredible books with average covers, and I’ve been drawn in by beautiful covers only to be disappointed by the contents.

But in this post, I’m going to share with you some fantasy series with stunning covers and fantastic stories hidden within. Your bookshelf will look incredible, and you’ll get lost in wonderful fantasy worlds. Enjoy!

Fantasy Book Series with Stunning Cover Art

A few of the series in this list have special edition covers or different hardback covers. So, if you find alternative covers, that’s why! I’ve made a note of the edition and linked directly to the specific cover series on Amazon to make it easier for you.

Terry Pratchett’s Discworld: The Death Collection (Hardback)

Discworld is a flat planet on the back of four elephants that are standing on a giant turtle. In the Death Collection specifically, Death is the focus and features as the MC of each book. 

We follow Death’s attempts to be more human and the inevitable destruction in his wake. 

Mort is by far my favourite book of the series. This one is about Mort becoming Death’s apprentice after meeting an untimely end.

It’s laugh-out-loud funny, witty, and darkly imaginative. If you’re new to Discworld, I always suggest reading this one first – there are great descriptions of how the world works, giving you a great entry point into the weird and wonderful world of Terry Pratchett’s universe. 

Benedict Patrick’s Yarnsworld Series (Paperback)

Set in a folklore-inspired fantasy land, this series is perfect for fans of The Witcher and Neil Gaiman. And can we take a minute to admire those covers?

In the first book, we follow Lonan. In a world where everyone has magical gifts, he has none and has no value to offer his community. So, when he has a dream of monsters destroying his village, no one believes him. He journeys into the forest to find the mystical Magpie King for help, but can he save his village with no magic?

The entire series is truly enchanting, with captivating storylines and brilliant characters. They’re standalone with different themes, genres, and storylines, so you’re in for something new in each book. However, each is interwoven with Patrick’s unique storytelling process.

Marie Brennan’s Memoirs by Lady Brent Series (Paperback)

The Memoirs of Lady Trent series is a wonderful mix of dragon realism and Victorian-era England. The world-building is incredible, and the story of Lady Trent evolving from a young dragon-obsessed girl into an knowledgeable dragon naturalist keeps you hooked throughout the five books.

If you love fantasy books about dragons, you’ll fall in love with this series — it’s a new and interesting take on the dragon quest trope.

Anna Stephen’s Godblind Trilogy

Often compared to Joe Abercrombie, I think Stephens has a style all of her own. You’ll immediately fall in love with the characters, and the often harsh storyline will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The trilogy centres around an uneasy alliance between two kingdoms. The borders are patrolled by vigilantes known as wolves, who will keep their land and families safe at any cost. Each kingdom worships a different god, and thus the fighting ensues.

There are multiple points of view throughout the book, which can be a little confusing before you get to know the characters. However, I can guarantee you’ll love this fantasy book series if you love blood-soaked battles and detailed world-building.

Bradon Sanderson’s Mistborn Collection

The mix of architectural lines and flowing shapes on Sanderson’s fantasy book covers are just stunning. If you haven’t ventured into Sanderson’s universe yet, prepare yourself for a long ride. I’d start with the main Mistborn Trilogy, which is set in a magical fantasy world where magic can be drawn from metals.

It follows a heroine going up against the Dark Lord that has dominion over the world, and that’s about all I’ll say without ruining anything.

And if you love this series, you’ll definitely want to try his Stormlight Archive Series next!

Jay Kristoff’s Empire of the Vampire books

Do two books count as a series? It’s the beginning of one, so we’re including it! Kristoff’s Empire of the Vampire series is a bestselling fantasy epic about a world run by vampires.

The sun hasn’t risen in 27 years, and vampires have been waging war on humanity ever since.

The books follow Gabriel, who’s half human and a Silversaint — a member of a brotherhood dedicated to defending humanity against vampires.

These fantasy book covers are beautiful, and they feature gothic illustrations by the talented Bon Orthwick.

Christopher Mitchell’s Magelands series

I’ll be honest, I was kind of upset when the covers to this series switched style — first two were so cool, I’m not sure why they didn’t carry on with the same style.

But even so, this is an epic swords & sorcery fantasy series that’s well worth a read. The books follow six mages from five different lands, each with intricate stories that become intertwined. If you love battles, magic, gods, and betrayal, this fantasy series is for you.

What are Your Favourite Fantasy Book Covers?

I can’t be the only one that immediately judges a book by its cover! Do you have any all-time favourite fantasy cover designs? Drop them in the comments below.

Still looking for your next fantasy read? Head to the next book list for a round-up of epic fantasy books about vampires without the romance.


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